"Lincoln Roses" an original watercolor painting by Jean Marie Baldwin
Original watercolor floral by Jean Marie Baldwin. This painting is sold, by I accept commissions and have other watercolor florals for sale. jeanbaldwin@bellsouth.net
I just found your blog! Beautiful paintings. I've seen some of them and know they are even more beautiful than the photos! So glad you are blogging! Looking forward to seeing you this summer!
At the age of 12, I began painting in oil. Later, I took art courses in college as well as studying nursing. After years of working as an R.N., I found time to resume my study of art. Although I attended a few workshops with Skip Lawrence and Janet Rogers, I am primarily self taught.
My interest in art lies in the subject. Before I begin a piece, I become aware of the feeling I want to convey about the subject. Things that are peaceful and inviting attract my attention. Both watercolor and charcoal can evoke softness and mystery as well as boldness; and that is why I prefer to work in those media.
I use light on the subject when composing a piece. To me, light is the most interesting element of any image because of the contrasts that result; used properly, it can introduce drama into any scene.
My home is in Western North Carolina where I am able to enjoy drawing closer, more intimate landscapes than those produced by many other artists. This is my favorite pastime, because the process allows me to capture form as well as the detailed beauty of this area.
I just found your blog! Beautiful paintings. I've seen some of them and know they are even more beautiful than the photos! So glad you are blogging! Looking forward to seeing you this summer!